
Written by Administrator on . Posted in WebSite

Privacy statement serves us for protection of privacy of our users. You can look at pages for free, without any commitment of revealing your identity or leaving any kind of your private data. In case that you decide to use our services, it's necessary to leave us your personal data, so that we could complete your reservation and to lease asked service. Your personal data remains protected. We assure you that we are collecting only information that we need to complete our procedure of reservation of our service. In that process we are using only information that we receive directly from you.

Here we would like to try to explain our reasons for collecting information, the way of processing them and the level of protection of your personally identifiable information.

Collecting information about you 

  • Tourist agency "Salvus Projekt" collects information about your identity and the other personally identifiable information only in case that you decide to use the service from our offer after which you will have to pay advance for the service.
  • In case that you decide to leave your personal information in our "Guest book", your data will become public and other persons will be able to access the information you have left while signing our "Guest book". In that case, Salvus Projekt is not responsible for any misuse of your data.
  • When you visit Salvus Projekt site, our Web server automatically collects information about IP address of your computer, type of your browser, name of your domain, time of your access, Web page address from which you are coming from and all the information about the pages you have visit on our site. That data we use for running our statistics about the use of pages, so that we could improve the quality of our site. 
    We are pointing out that our Web server does not collect your E-mail address or any other information which could be personally identifiable.
  • When you visit our pages you can complete our survey, which we are using to develop design of our pages using your answers. Completing surveys is optional, so you are completing them with your free will. You don't have to answer the asked questions, and all the data you have left is remaining secret. Only when we want to analyze our survey we are giving group results of survey to the third parties.
  • Occasionally we organize games and contests on our Web pages. Their rules are available on our site while the game or contest is on. When you are signing-in for the contest, you are automatically agreeing with published rules of that contest. We want to point out that one of the rules of the games or contests is a publication of the name of the winner, even without asking for her or his permission.

Use of collected information

We use your personal information:

  • to start the process of reservation of the service you want, so that we are able to send you our preliminary calculation, after which you will pay the advance.
  • to send you on your home address all the relevant material and information about selected service (direction how to reach your destination, voucher...).
  • to pass your personal data to a person who will give you directly the service for which you have made a reservation, even before consumption of the selected service. Through that direct contact you will be able to solve all dilemmas or misunderstandings that you have about the service in the best possible way.
  • to inform you occasionally about changes in our offer, special rates, upgraded information...and to provide you with all the information about the growth of our site.

We are not going to use collected information for purposes that are not mentioned in this statement. Your personal data, travel agency "Salvus Projekt" does not sell, trade, rent or give to third parties, unless it's necessary for the procedure of the realization of selected service.

In case that you don't want to receive information about changes on our pages, announcements about our offer or other promotional information, don't hesitate to inform us about that. After we receive your notice, your name will be soon removed from our list.

Tourist agency "Salvus Projekt" can reveal personal information only in case when court decide that, or in the case that there is need to protect rights or property of our web pages, or the need to protect personal safety of our users or public.

Security of collected information

Salvus Projekt gives a great importance to this statement and we think that credibility of our business depends on the fact how much the agency activity is in accordance with this statement. Therefore, Salvus Projekt, specially cares that collected information about the user are safe and protected from loss, changes, unauthorized access or any kind of misuse. Filing in questionnaires, surveys, mail forms, requests for highly protected process.

Our computer system use programs which could recognize every unauthorized access to your data, after which they react quickly. Our Web server is highly protected from unauthorized access (physical or electronic). Your data is stored in password-controlled servers with limited access.

How are we going to contact you?

Standard reservation procedure of the service from our offer, together with all the questions or problems regarding selected service will be solved through the contact information you gave us ( E-mail, telephone or fax).

Use of cookies 

Cookie is a text file that is placed on your hard disk by a web browser, after you visit our pages for the first time. Cookie provides faster reading of already visited sites. Cookie does not contain any personal information, but it helps us to provide you special services while you are on Web.

The main advantage of cookies is saving time and easier access to the site. The purpose of a cookie is to tell the Web browser that you have returned to a specific page. Statistical information about the visit of the certain information are created using cookies, therefore they are important in recognizing users wishes and determination of the development of our offer and our site.

Cookie is an option that is offered by your Web browser. Most Web Browsers are adapted to accept cookies automatically, but if you want you can modify your browser settings to decline cookies.

Changing or deleting your personal data

The data you have once inscribe in our custom database in order to get your own Salvus Projekt ID, can be changed. Also, on your request we are obligatory to erase them.

Changes to the Statement

Privacy statement occasionally can be updated. When we update it, we are obligatory to change the date of the statement. In case that there are significant changes of this statement, we will announce that on our Web pages or we will send you the notice directly. We are recommending to our visitors and users to occasionally read this statement, so they could be more informed about their privacy protection.

We are consider that you are accepting this Privacy Statement when you are visiting our site or when you are using our services.

Company Profile

Written by Administrator on . Posted in WebSite is is owned by company "Salvus Projekt"

"Salvus Projekt" is a company located in Zagreb, the capital city of Croatia. Our goal is to become the leading on-line travel agency in Croatia. Agency employs experts with rich experience in tourism, internet marketing and web development. Professional and partner relationship towards our guests and the owners, love and respect for beauty and heritage of Republic of Croatia, and satisfaction of our employees, are our basic values.

Basic data

SALVUS PROJEKT J.D.O.O., tourist agency (ID: HR-AB-01-080948970)

Ante Topića Mimare 24 10000 Zagreb, Croatia 

OIB: 31741287524 Giro account: Zagrebacka banka d.d. Trg bana Josipa Jelačića 10, 10000 Zagreb

IBAN: HR8623600001102457463 Swift: ZABAHR2X

For our customer security and to avoid any kind of suspicion of fraud, please look in the registrar of companies on the web pages of ministry of justice in Croatia on this link. You will see that our company is active and legitimate.

Vision Statement

To be innovators, leaders and creative in the concepts of travel, positioning ourselves in the market within the best tourism companies in Croatia, being recognized for our professionalism and high quality products.


Provide our client’s unforgettable travel, enjoyable, with guaranteed services that exceed their expectations, and also contribute to our sustainable tourism destinations.

Company Value

  • Direct and Open comunication
  • Speed
  • Teamwork
  • Flexibility  and willingness to accept change
  • Recognizing and learning from mistakes
  • Risk-taking
  • Quality care


We only feature hotels and lodges that we have stayed in and we believe to be the best in their area, always looking for value, character, and good service. In some of the secluded and undeveloped regions, the obvious trappings of comfort may not be immediately apparent, but something special is everywhere: a unique style, a remarkable setting, wholesome comforts, and a dedication to protect their natural setting and to please every guest.

Sustainable Tourism:

Salvus Projekt j.d.o.o. believes in the right of future generations having a healthy environment and natural resources that contribute to a better quality of life. No matter where you go or how you travel, you will have an effect on the environment and the people you visit. Our company also believes that you can have a more authentic and meaningful trip when sustainable tourism practices are applied.

How to make a reservation?

Written by Administrator on . Posted in WebSite

1. You can choose the accommodation unit which will best satisfy your desires and need using one of the offered search possibilities of our pages.

2. During the search, you can click on the "Favourites" button(Favourites) next to every unit which seems interesting to you. Clicking on this button, the chosen unit is saved into the virtual database (favorites) which contains only those units satisfying your criteria and is created by you.

3. Having formed your Favourites list, you can do a complete and detailed review of the chosen units by clicking on the "My favourites review" link. Reviewing the accommodation units in such a systematic and parallel way will help you a great deal in finding the accommodation unit best satisfying all your criteria.

4. Upon making the final selection, you are required to fill in the reservation form for the unit you are interested in. It is necessary that you fill in all the required information to make the processing of your request possible.

5. When the filled in reservation form is sent, an automatically generated calculation including all the items, respective costs and the amount to be paid for the reservation of the chosen accommodation unit will show up on your screen. At the end of the calculation you will have two options offered, the cancellation of the reservation or its confirmation.

6. If you decide to confirm the reservation, the filled in form will arrive to our Sales Department. Immediately upon the receipt of the reservation form, our staff will contact the owner of the chosen accommodation unit to check for the last time whether the accommodation unit status on Internet corresponds with the true state, ie. whether the reservation itself is possible to conclude. The final calculation is sent to your email address or via fax upon the approval of the received request. The calculation itself contains all the costs clearly stated, together with the amount you are to pay as a reservation confirmation. The payment will be made congruent to the payment method and dynamics published on our pages.

You do not need PayPal account to make payment, just email adress and any credit card! (Explanation in video 00:50-01:17 min).

7. To finally confirm the sent reservation application, it is necessary to make the reservation payment within 24 hours upon the receipt of the final calculation. If the guest does not pay within the given term, the result may be overbooking, which is not the agency's responsibility, but, nevertheless, the agency will offer the guest a replacement accommodation of the same quality.

8. Immediately upon making the payment the guest is to forward the confirmation to the agency via email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ). Having checked the payment, or the authorization of the guest's credit card, the agency will send the guest all the necessary information about the owner of the reserved unit and its address via email. A written confirmation of the reservation (voucher) will also be sent to the guest's home address. The voucher thus received is also the written proof of the paid accommodation for the summer vacations at the Adriatic coast.

Terms and Conditions

Written by Administrator on . Posted in WebSite

This are the terms and conditions of Salvus Projekt j.d.o.o. company, the owner of web pages:

The rules and terms of using, and the acceptable ways of behavior of Salvus Projekt j.d.o.o. Internet pages user are there to protect the user of Salvus Projekt j.d.o.o. services, the tourist company "Salvus Projekt j.d.o.o." and the rest of the Internet users, from irresponsible, disturbing, distracting, and in worst cases illegal activities. By following the terms of using, You will ensure, both Yourself and other users, a more pleasant and productive using of the "Salvus Projekt j.d.o.o." services.
Using these web pages, or any other service from the "Salvus Projekt j.d.o.o." offering, You accept hereunder-specified rules and terms of use. Therefore, we ask of You to be sure to read and respect the terms of use, because if not doing so, You will bear the consequences given by the law, i.e. this contract. In case You do not agree with the rules and terms of using these pages, we advise You not to use them.
The contents and the services on the Salvus Projekt j.d.o.o. Internet pages are at disposal to users, visitors and business partners, according to the terms defined by this contract. The contents and the services on these pages are primarily designed for everyone interested in the possibilities and the development of the Croatian tourism.
The materials published on the Salvus Projekt j.d.o.o. Internet pages have a commercial and informational character, and the users can be using them solely for a personal cause. The purpose of the Salvus Projekt j.d.o.o. Internet pages is to provide quality information, for the interested users, about the tourist offering of the Croatian Adriatic. With an enormous number of information, topic groupings and possibilities of internal search, we want to ensure a complete availability to different information, which will have the crucial influence for the user during the selection of location, the accommodation and the way in he will spend his vacation.
We give special attention to the high quality presentation of the Salvus Projekt j.d.o.o. private accommodation capacity. Numerous detailed information and photographs related to the object, the interior of each accommodation unit inside the object, a terrace, balcony, view from the object, garden plot and yard, parking space, nearest beaches, and the most beautiful beaches in the place itself, and the Riviera of the place where the object is situated and an enclosed 3D review of each accommodation unit, give a realistic insight to the accommodation capacities that want to be reserved, and are, as such, the best guarantee to setting-down unpleasant surprises at arrival.
Salvus Projekt j.d.o.o. is obligated to take all reasonable measures in indisputable submitting of the accurate and quality information. But this way, we are introducing the user to the fact that mistakes, faults and delays in upgrading the information, and typographic faults, can appear apart from the responsibility of "Salvus Projekt j.d.o.o.".
Considering the fact that all the information, data and photographs, related to the private accommodation, are gathered by the Salvus Projekt j.d.o.o. personnel, the responsibility for mistakes, faults and delays in upgrading that part of the web, undertakes Salvus Projekt j.d.o.o., according to the common terms of submitting services of accommodation in private capacities of physical persons.
This web site is dedicated exclusively for Your personal and unprofitable use. There is no changing, multiplying, distributing, direct transferring, displaying, introducing, reproducing, publishing, authorizing, creating copies, selling information, software, products or services, in the ownership of this web site.
Tourist agency "Salvus Projekt j.d.o.o." is an exclusive owner of the general and executable project, and all the software applications at pages are in possession of the Salvus Projekt j.d.o.o. and its' partners. The author of all the information at the portal is Salvus Projekt j.d.o.o., in collaboration with its' partners. The contents that are not in possession of Salvus Projekt j.d.o.o. will be pointed out and marked separately. If You notice any kind of copyright violation, we kindly ask of You to inform us about it on the e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., so that they could be withdrawn from our pages, in case we wouldn't come up with a different agreement with the author or the owner.
Your privacy and communication with Salvus Projekt j.d.o.o. has a complete protection in a way that we ask for Your personal data only in case You show interest in the payment of advance, i.e. with the final confirmation of reservation, so that we could register the done payment of the wanted accommodation on Your name, and send You all the necessary material to Your home address. All of Your personal data will only be given to the submitter of services at the accommodation unit that You've reserved through our system.
We want to inform You this way that Your data will be used in order to occasionally inform You of all the relevant changes happening on the Salvus Projekt j.d.o.o.. In case you do not want to receive any information about changes, favors and special offerings on the Salvus Projekt j.d.o.o., we would like You to inform us about it.
Due to the safety of data on the Salvus Projekt j.d.o.o. Internet pages, we made sure that the computer system is using the programs that keep track of visits to the web and recognizes the unauthorized attempts of shipping or changing the data, as those that could cause damage in some other way. Unauthorized attempts of shipping or changing the data are strictly forbidden at this location, and lawful, or by these terms specified sanctions, will be applied to the offenders.
Salvus Projekt j.d.o.o. does not guarantee the safety and privacy of the messages sent by electronic mail, because of the insecurity of the media itself.
Using this web-site You undertake not to use the data and information, and especially the photographs, as well as any other material in the possession of Salvus Projekt j.d.o.o. or its partners, for legally forbidden or by these terms unlicensed actions or causes.
These Internet pages also carry the links to the Internet pages that are under surveillance of other physical or legitimate persons. Those links are available only as a recommendation, i.e. a potential source of additional and more extensive information. Since Salvus Projekt j.d.o.o. does not have any influence to their editing policy, it is, with this contract, free of all responsibility for their contents and the veracity and accuracy of the information that are there.
Salvus Projekt j.d.o.o. holds the right to change the terms of use at any moment and without previous notice. Changes take effect in the moment of denunciation. Visitors are obligated to notice those changes and adapt to them timely.
This contract is being applied until one of the contract parties breaks it. You can break this contract at any time in a way to stop using this Internet page and to destroy all the material You downloaded from it, printed or saved in any other way.
The user is agreeable that this contract can be transferred onto another person.
Croatian law is competent in interpretation and application of law matters related to the terms of use of the materials published on the web pages of the Salvus Projekt j.d.o.o., and the court in Zagreb, Croatia is strictly authorized for all the demands and conflicts ensued while using certain material.